Fancy Thatch

Thatch and beam cottage,Lindfield U.K
Cottage style Lindfield.U.K

Since childhood i have been fascinated by  thatched cottages so part of the thrill of travelling in the U.K  was to see the real thing.

More of a thrill was to find the variations in style and decoration of the roof thatching . Even more exhilarating was to discover that some incorporated birds, like this family of ducks.

Decoration on thatch roof,Wadsworht U.K
Four little ducks

This brings to mind that childhood nursery song- “Five little ducks went out to play , over the hill and faraway…. but only four little ducks came back”, and here they are, waddling along atop a thatch roof in Wadsworth England ,demonstrating the skill of this clever artisan.

Pond near Hever Castle .U.K
On the pond

In the counting song Mother duck sets off to find her brood and her she is! This duck lived on a special pond near Hever Castle and even had her own “palace.

Duck Castle.Hever.U.K
Duck Castle.Hever.U.K

Owls also were featured on the roof of this thatch cottage in Purlbeck, where the cottages were mainly a grey stone and over the village loomed the ruins of a once mighty castle.

Owl figures on thatch roof in Purlbeck,U.K
On guard